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Move all cards to the foundations. Two packs of cards are used.


The bottom half of the foundations are built up by suit from Ace to King, and the top half are built down from King to Ace. Working stacks build up or down by value, regardless of suit. Aces can be placed on Kings, and Kings can be placed on Aces. Only one card at a time can be moved between working stacks. Empty spaces can be filled by any card. Before the first re-deal, cards on the top working stacks cannot be moved to the bottom foundation piles, and cards on the bottom working stacks cannot be moved to the top foundation piles. Cards on the left and right working piles do not have a restriction on the foundation piles they can move to. Tap on the re-deal to collect the cards from the working piles and deal out again to the working piles. After cards have been re-dealt, the restriction on which working piles can move cards to foundation piles is removed. The re-deal can only be done twice.

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